scarecrow reviews


The Kills - Electric Ballroom.

The Kills - Electric Ballroom Wed 9th Feb.


It's official - The Kills are the undisputed king and queen of sleaze rock. Just picture a sweaty room filled with Hotel's snarling fuzzbox guitar, a random drum machine and VV's mordant sex-ridden strung-out vocals. And guess what? It works. Considering all this scuzzy mayhem is created by just two perfectly formed and achingly serious people just helps to intensify the moment - the whole room was literally awash with their uber-cool wasted dirge. Fried My Little Brains poured down upon everyone present with added vitriolic verve and studied desperation, storming along with a guitar riff from planet New York underground (think Velvets meet Hendrix) as VV does her best to imitate a beautiful shaman twisting and contorting across the stage, bouncing from giant speaker-stack to another in perfect symmetry with each electronic beat. Current single The Good Ones sounds even better live - capturing a unique energy whilst not sounding as repetitive as it does on record. This was an occasion of sleazy-cool and the energy and feeling created by this most pretentious duet (and I mean that as a compliment) is well worth a second visit. Keep your ears close to the ground folks as The Kills will be coming your way soon.

Lee Rourke © 2005.


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STAR RATING: ***** Excellent **** Very Good *** Average ** Poor * Abysmal

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